Halloween update, soul care for a house

Joyous Halloween, Samhain, Winternight or what name you might celebrate this turning of the year under.

boys and girls of every age, wouldn’t you like to hear something strange?

I’m still working on the update of the interior, as I’ve fallen under the spell of Getting Slightly Better At Things. The very dangerous point in one’s development on a field where you’ve just gotten good enough at what you’re doing to see all of the little errors left from very early on and also get a ton of new ideas for improvements.

In addition there’s the usual amount of care a house needs after a year or so, the fresh coats of paint etc.

Also, it takes time to grow back the magic, the pieces of soul that invariably gets chipped at or damaged with any extensive rearranging of a house. Taking things slowly allows the change to come more gradually, rather than as a shock. My house needs time to heal from the repairs and various operations. The tipping point between a home and a diy- project is a fine one, particularly with a house where you can’t just close a door and call it a day. And it takes at least as much time to reconstitute my house as a home, reading books in it, lighting the fireplace, curling up in the sofa with a glass of wine, relaxing on the sun deck etc, as it takes to actually build. This might seem like relaxing, but it’s necessary and intense work. Of a more occult kind.

I expect I’ll be done in time for winter at least, and head further south with the last of the swans.

Here at least are some insights to what I’ve been working on, a chance to see the structure before my house again gets wrapped up in mystery.


2 thoughts on “Halloween update, soul care for a house

  1. Roseanna Naeshagen

    Hei, bit o green news from Nesodden & the capital: Green licks of paint, can make me faint if done in enclosed spaces. Jack Frost is here with all his cheer, salopes on wi homemade braces! See Even in town in my XR Penitent gown outside Storting Fridays & Mondays Plenty of actions in the milieu factions all week including Sundays There’s a big court case against the state next week For the Green population ,a combobluation, won’t turn the other cheek. Hilsen, Roseanna, fan of Fyllesjuk I Folkedrakt & Grønn Dag på Hellviktangen….

    Sent from my iPad



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